Zwracam się do Prezydenta Baracka Obamy z prośbą, by uzależnił:
- spotkanie z prezydentem Dudą
- szczyt NATO w Warszawie
- budowę baz NATO w Polsce
od przestrzegania demokracji w Polsce przez koalicję rządzącą i polski rząd. Opisuję pokrótce sytuację w Polsce związaną z Trybunałem Konstytucyjnym i Komisją Wenecką oraz ustawami PiS o inwigilacji obywateli, służbie cywilnej i mediach publicznych. Przypominam wypowiedź prezydenta Dudy o lepszym sorcie obywateli, opisuje ataki nienawiści na organizacje w Polsce.
Demokracja nie obroni się sama. Musimy jej pomoc.
The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr President,
As a defender of democracy in Poland, I implore you, please:
Until the Polish government starts respecting democracy:
- do not meet with President Duda who plans to visit the US in the end of March
- urge NATO to suspend or cancel the NATO summit planned for July in Warsaw
- do not agree to build the NATO bases in Poland
The current government in Poland is dismantling our democracy. They refuse to recognize and implement the opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the situation with the Polish Constitution Tribunal. They have refused to publish and apply the last Constitutional Tribunal's verdict.
The government under Prime Minister Szydło has taken over Polish public media and turned them into a propaganda tool. They demolished the criteria for vetting public service candidates in local governments, replacing highly skilled professionals with unskilled PiS party loyalists. They passed a bill that allows them to spy on Polish citizens without due process or court order.
So far, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the European Commission have started investigations into whether Poland is still a democratic country.
Mr. President, you have probably seen news footage of thousands of people, protesting on the streets of Poland against this government. You may have even heard President Duda refer to his party as "better people"' a reference that evokes chilling connotations of fascism. We are already seeing a bold approval of intolerance toward anyone who opposes this government but especially toward people of color, immigrants, Jews and the LGBTQ community.
I respectfully ask you to avoid any recognition of Mr. Duda or the current government in Poland and to support NATO in doing the same.